Boosting quality and quantity of investments in the Mediterranean region: New EU-funded programme launched

October 5, 2016
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The EU and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) launched a new programme this week to promote investments in the Mediterranean. Working in partnership with governments and institutions, the programme will engage in regional and national actions to create jobs and to foster local development, economic diversification and stability. 
The four-year Programme on Promoting Investment in the Mediterranean will support efforts to boost the quality and quantity of investment to and within the Mediterranean region. The Programme will seek to create more robust and coherent investment policies and strategies, including:
·           modernising investment policies
·           building institutional capacity and co-ordination
·           promoting networking between Euro-Mediterranean investment promotion agencies
·           enhancing public-private dialogue for more inclusive policy making
·           increasing the region’s investment promotion capacities
·           raising awareness of the region’s attractiveness
·           promoting inclusive investment strategies
·           engaging the business sector responsibly
The Programme is governed by an advisory group co-chaired by the European Commission and the OECD, with the participation of representatives of beneficiary countries and the Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean. (EU Neighbourhood Info)
Read more
Programme on Promoting Investment in the Mediterranean – Factsheet