Clima South and Clima East projects host meeting ahead of COP21 Paris Climate talks
November 24, 2015
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In the run-up to the Paris COP21 climate conference, the EU-funded ClimaSouth and ClimaEast projects last week jointly hosted a meeting in Brussels of EU and Neighbourhood partner countries on the expected 2015 Paris Climate Agreement. The meeting was attended by senior officials representing their countries at the climate talks.
During the meeting, officials illustrated the EU position on the Global Climate Agreement and the specific elements of the future agreement. The implications on emissions, temperature and impacts of the emissions reduction resulting from the intended national contributions submitted to the UN framework convention on climate change were also presented.
The meeting allowed for the exchange of views, positions, priorities and doubts amongst all those attending.
The Clima South project seeks to enhance regional cooperation between the EU and its southern Mediterranean neighbours and among the partner countries themselves on climate change mitigation and adaptation, mainly through capacity development and information sharing. The overarching goal is to support the transition of ENP South countries towards low carbon development and climate resilience.
The Clima East project, supporting climate change mitigation and adaptation in ENP East countries and Russia, supports partner countries so that they are better equipped for greenhouse gas emission reductions and better prepared to deal with the impacts of climate change. (EU Neighbourhood Info)