CyberSouth: National workshops on the preparation of cybercrime and e-evidence situation (annual) report in Tunisia and Lebanon

November 19, 2020
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Two national meetings to support the preparation of the annual situation report in Tunisia and Lebanon were organised on-line on 5 and 12 November 2020, aiming to discuss the progress made and the way forward since the regional workshop held in Rabat, in April 2019.

This workshop was also an opportunity for all the Tunisian and the Lebanese institutions to express their views on the cybercrime situation in their country by emphasizing the cyberthreats, statistics and reporting, policies and strategies. The role of strategic approach was underlined and recommendations were given in respect to policy-level strategies on cybercrime. The annual situation report was discussed in depth, with a focus on the methodology for collecting data, structure, actors and its benefits.

CyberSouth is a joint project of the European Union and the Council of Europe. It contributes to the prevention and control of cybercrime and other offences involving electronic evidence in the region of the Southern Neighbourhood, in line with international human rights and rule of law standards and good practices.


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Press Release – Tunisia

Press Release – Lebanon


Countries covered:

  • Lebanon
  • Tunisia
Human Rights