EU-Civil Society South dialogue: Report on latest forum highlights achievements

October 3, 2016
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The European Commission has published a report on the third Civil society Forum for the Southern Neighbourhood organised in Brussels on 26-27 May 2016, highlighting the main issues discussed during the Forum, the recommendations issued as well as the achievements.   

The report underlines the EU’s commitment to this multi-stakeholder dialogue framework as well as the commitment of the Southern Neighbourhood Civil Society to the process while firmly requesting higher autonomy, on the one hand, in organising and facilitating CSO participation at regional level and, on the other hand, in co-building with EU institutions the framework and the agenda of the dialogue.
The document highlighted that the initiative allowed Civil Society to alert the EU of the current risks and trends of undermining or postponing the priority agenda of democratisation, human rights and sustainable development in the region while offering opportunities for civil society from the Southern Mediterranean region to meet and exchange at regional level in a safe and open environment.
The report says that this dialogue should lead, amongst other things, to “improving coherence and a joint vision on the partnership between the EU and the countries from the Southern Mediterranean Region: at EU level, at CSOs level and country level.” (EU Neighbourhood Info)
Read more
Civil Society South Forum – Report
EU Neighbourhood Info Centre – Civil society and local authorities