The European Union’s civilian Border Assistance Mission for the Rafah Crossing Point (EUBAM Rafah) was today redeployed to the Rafah Crossing Point (RCP) at the request of the Palestinians and the Israelis in agreement with the Egyptians, and in line with the 2005 Agreement on Movement and Access (AMA). The Rafah Crossing Point has been reopened and is operational on the basis of the 2005 AMA.
The mission deployed a specialised team to the Rafah Crossing Point to allow Palestinian personnel to reopen the RCP. This will allow for the transfer of individuals out of Gaza, including some who require medical treatment. EUBAM Rafah personnel is monitoring the transfers. Under the terms agreed with the parties, the period of deployment of the EUBAM Rafah specialised team at the RCP will last until the end of the first phase of the ceasefire agreement.
EUBAM Rafah can play a decisive role in supporting the ceasefire and the re-deployment is a positive development, that shows once again that the EU is ready and present in the region to help.