“When most of us made the choice, at a young age, to join the police in our respective countries we chose to protect. We chose to implement the rule of law for the good of our people”, says EUPOL COPPS Deputy Head Security Sector Reform Section Rade Odzic to his colleagues from several Palestinian Civil Police departments on 03 September in Bethlehem. Next to him sits the former local Police District Commander, Brigadier Mohammed Abu Rub. The occasion is the handover of top of the range IT equipment, tablets for secure and correct handling and transferring of data, which is increasingly important to effective, modern policing everywhere, to the PCP Criminal Investigation Department (CID).
The handover is combined with a related, internal, PCP training bringing together several units, so that officers covering different topics can work hand-on on real scenarios and solutions, including info-exchange and cooperation.
Other Palestinian units joining the event and training on networking and info sharing are from the Family Juvenile Protection Department (FJUD), the Judicial police and Traffic police, plus one investigator, a district commander and a training coordinator.
Criminal investigators build evidence-based cases for submission to relevant justice institutions by using centralised data collection systems. For such a process to take place in a correct way, officers have to be able to rely on a safe and secure information exchange.
Managing the electronically and correctly the flow of information is also key to prevent leaking of information can endanger individuals or jeopardise an operation and/or an investigation. “The significance of this handover is not merely technical. These tablets will substantially contribute to the PCP enhancement of security” said the District Commander, thanking EUPOL COPPS for the continuous commitment towards the Palestinian security sector reform.
EUPOL COPPS handover of equipment is conducted within the framework of the “Bethlehem Pilot Project” started in 2023, aiming at increasing the Mission’s support to Palestinian districts through a needs-based approach in the field of Security Sector and Rule of Law. “As Europeans, we all dream of visiting the historical city of Bethlehem” said Rade Odzic to his Palestinian fellow police officers, hoping, as all in the room, in a return to calmer waters once the current unprecedented crisis affecting the Middle eastern region will be over.