EUPOL COPPS IT equipment’s handover in Bethlehem enhances Palestinian partners effectiveness in the field

January 20, 2025
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The Bethlehem Palestinian Family Protection and Juvenile Unit (FPJU), part of the Palestinian Civil Police (PCP), conveyed to EUPOL COPPS about their needs for technology, namely tablets, to speed up their work, especially in Palestinian districts.This need-base assessment led to EUPOL COPPS’s handing over of this kind of equipment to the Bethlehem’s FPJU, on 16 January in their city.


EUPOL COPPS’ Family Protection and Juvenile advisor, Anna Sanden, from Sweden, runs a project to support the FPJU together with senior police adviser general policing Marie Hummer from Sweden and other EUPOL COPPS Advisors, including Criminal Investigation (CID) experts. Anna said that the work will continue by creating networking between FPJU officers and PCP IT department officers, so that best practices on the use of technology can be shared, including though joint training activities.

Countries covered:

  • Palestine *
Human Rights