Euromed Summit of Economic and Social Councils calls for greater role of Civil Society in ENP

December 4, 2015
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 Representatives of the Euro-Mediterranean region’s economic and social councils and economic and social players have adopted a Final Declaration of the Euro-Mediterranean Summit of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions held on 30 November and 1 December in Brussels.

The Declaration underlined the need for a greater role for civil society in the ENP, not only in further involving civil society organisations in ENP related commitments and activities, but also by calling on the ENP to ensure that it empowers civil society in all countries and ensures compliance with fundamental human, civil, political, economic and social rights.  It asked for the revised ENP to clearly aim at an effective dialogue between representative civil society organisations, public authorities and regions, rather than mere on-line consultations which are sometimes irrelevant.
The meeting marked the 20th anniversary of the Euromed Summits, which were launched on the basis of the mandate conferred by the Barcelona Declaration in 1995. The participants discussed the situation in the region, focusing on the new ENP, regional dialogue, the participation of social and economic councils and players in the development of the region, and on the need for common responses to the challenge of migration and refugees. (EU Neighbourhood Info)
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EESC website
EU Neighbourhood Info Centre – Civil Society and local authorities