Latest opportunities from the Southern Neighbourhood

August 31, 2020
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Have you missed any opportunities this week?

Click on the links below to find out the latest opportunities from the Southern Neighbourhood: Tenders, grants, calls for proposals and jobs from the European Neighbourhood.

  • Jobs opportunities, Trainings & Fellowships

Call for Experts, EU funded MAJALAT project

Closing date: 31 August 2020

Call for an expert in Municipal Waste Management Plans, EU-funded CLIMA project

Closing date: 31 August 2020

Information Officer (Strategic Communications), EU Delegation to Israel

Closing date: 01 September 2020

Executive director of the Anna Lindh Foundation for Inter-cultural Dialogue ( Alexandria, Egypt )

Closing date: 25 September 2020

Mobile Film Competition, European Film Festival – Jordan

Closing date: 05 September 2020

Coaching for setting up an H2020 project as a partner or coordinator, Horizon 2020 Tunisia

Closing date: 31 December 2020

Helping micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) facing the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic

Closing date: 31 December 2020

  •   Competitions, Events & Webinars

ARLEM Award 2021 – Young local entrepreneurship in the Mediterranean

Closing date: 31 August 2020

European Film Festival – Jordan

Closing date: 03 September 2020

EBRD webinar: Scaling up Green Financing: Accelerating support towards Green, Innovative Investments and Building a Resilient Future

online 03 September 2020

Call for proposals for the funding of standard type projects, EU-funded DEVLOK project Tunisia

Closing date: 07 September 2020

North-South Prize of the Council of Europe

Closing date: 15 September 2020

2020 State of the Union address

online 16 September 2020

Launch of #BigBooster season FIVE, The International Accelerator for Positive Impact !

Closing date: 20 September 2020

European Research & Innovation Days

Closing date: 22 September 2020

EBSOMED BSO Management Academy: «Attractiveness & Business Support Strategies in times of Crisis – Reacting to the Covid-19 Crisis: Business Intelligence & Strategic Intelligences»

online 22 September 2020

Med4Jobs Stakeholders’ Dialogue and Advisory Board Meeting

UfM headquarters 30 September 2020

EBRD 2020 Annual meeting and business forum

London, UK 07 October 2020

MEDREG-Med TSO webinar: Cross-border cost allocation for electricity projects in the Mediterranean

online 07 October 2020

Torino Process 2018-2020: Discussion event in Palestine

Ramallah, Palestine 19 October 2020

Launch of the Lina Ben Mhenni Prize for freedom of expression, EU Delegation to Tunisia

Closing date: 15 November 2020

Green Night, Tunis

Cité des Sciences- Tunis- Palais des Sciences de Monastir- Village des Sciences de Tataouine
27 November 2020

  • Call for Proposals & Tenders

Provision of intellectual consultancy services, Council of Europe

Closing date: 31 August 2020

Technical Assistance to Support the Quality of Education and TVET in Jordan

Closing date: 01 September 2020

Human Rights Call for Proposals 2020 – EU Delegation to Jordan

Closing date: 01 September 2020

Call for Interest: Medical insurance tender for DG ECHO Office, Lebanon

Closing date: 04 September 2020

Call for proposals for Emergency Response Small Grants in Beirut, Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund – BirdLife

Closing date: 07 September 2020

Communication support, EU Delegation to Morocco

Closing date: 07 September 2020

Communications Campaign, Public Diplomacy and Information Events to promote the EU in Israel

Closing date: 10 September 2020

Sustainable and traditional land use projects, Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund – BirdLife

Closing date: 14 September 2020

EU-LAS (League of Arab States) CULTURE

Closing date: 22 September 2020

Support to civil society working in social protection in Morocco

Closing date: 22 September 2020

Call for projects #2 TECH TUNISIA – Innov’i – EU4Innovation

Closing date: 27 September 2020

Installation of renewable energy & energy efficiencysystems in the Lebanese industrial sector

Closing date: 30 September 2020

Marine Strategy Framework Directive: Support to the preparation of the next 6-year cycle of implementation

Closing date: 30 September 2020

Become a REESTART Green Business, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency for Sustainable Energy Transition And Reinforced Trust between SMEs & ESCOs, Lebanon

Closing date: 30 September 2020

Support for the promotion of a culture of equality and female empowerment and employability, Morocco

Closing date: 28 October 2020

Call for proposals 2020 – Erasmus+ Programme

Closing date: multiple dates

EBRD Opportunities for Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia

Countries covered:

  • Algeria
  • Egypt
  • Israel
  • Jordan
  • Lebanon
  • Libya
  • Morocco
  • Palestine *
  • Syria *
  • Tunisia