Med Culture study looks at youth employment in four Mediterranean countries

August 3, 2016
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The EU-funded Med Culture programme has just released a study on “Employability in the cultural and creative sectors in Arab Mediterranean countriesThe cases of Palestine, Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco” where it addresses issues and challenges related to employability in the cultural and creative industries in the above-mentioned four countries.
The objective of the study is threefold:
·         To discuss how the cultural and creative sectors affect employment, and more particularly youth employment;
·         To scrutinise the main challenges for employment in these sectors, particularly in relation to the mismatch between the offer in skills (in universities and training centres) and the demand for competencies from the employment market;
·         To consequently rethink employment policies and programmes that are on offer in the employment market.
The study’s author, Nizar Hariri, is an assistant professor and lecturer at the Faculty of Economics at Saint Joseph University in Beirut, Lebanon.
Med Culture is an EU-funded regional programme that kicked off in February 2014 with the aim of sustaining the creation of institutional and social environments to support culture as a vector for freedom of expression and sustainable development. This should be accomplished by reinforcing the capacities of the public and private cultural sectors as vectors for democratisation, and economic and social development for societies in the Southern Mediterranean.
Med Culture is part of the regional programme “Media and culture for development in the Southern Mediterranean” which has been allocated a total budget of EUR 17 million over a four-year period, of which EUR 9 million is for the award of grants on a co-financing basis, and EUR 8 million for one capacity-development mechanism on media (Med Media) and one capacity development mechanism on culture (Med Culture). 
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Press release

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Med Culture website and Facebook page

EU Neighbourhood section on Culture and media


Countries covered:

  • Egypt
  • Morocco
  • Palestine *
  • Tunisia