Supporting energy cooperation in the Mediterranean: MEDREG publishes 2015 annual report

June 23, 2016
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The EU-supported Mediterranean Energy Regulators’ Association (MEDREG) has published its latest annual report presenting the Association’s achievements during 2015.
The report describes the work achieved by MEDREG during 2015 to support the setting up of an efficient regulatory framework for electricity and gas markets in the Mediterranean region, including the mapping of current and projected interconnection infrastructures for electricity and gas in the Mediterranean basin, supporting the work of the UfM energy platforms and engaging members and stakeholders to support national regulatory reforms.
MEDREG is an Association that brings together energy regulators of 21 countries around the Mediterranean in order to promote a clear, stable and harmonised legal and regulatory framework through a continuous cooperation among the Northern, Southern and Eastern shores of the Mediterranean basin. MEDREG benefits from the support of the European Union and of the Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER). (EU Neighbourhood Info)
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MEDREG – fiche and news
MEDREG website