The Conference on “Sustainable Urbanisation through Port City Transformation” was held in Barcelona on 28 and 29 September 2022, and it provided a unique opportunity for representatives of Mediterranean ports and adjacent cities, government representatives, and other key regional and international stakeholders to discuss sustainable urbanisation through port city transformation.
The Conference underlined, once more, the importance of stronger dialogue and working relationship between ports and port cities as well as with governments and other stakeholders in general with a view to realizing urban development visions in port cities. The UfM, in the upcoming period, intends to contribute to strengthening this dialogue and working relationship within its mandate, and also to work closely with the co-organizers. The UfM’s contribution may eventually lead to identification and implementation of urban regeneration projects and improvement of related legislation in the region.
The Conference launched a process of annual gatherings of Ports and Port Cities, which will take up different aspects of the Ports and Port City relationship, as agreed in the UfM Regional Platform on Sustainable Urban Development. This work is guided by the UfM Strategic Urban Development Action Plan 2040 and it will contribute to the implementation of its principles and actions.