Call for expert in the transport and port industry in Lebanon and Tunisia, EU supported TECHLOG project

Opportunity type : Calls for Proposals
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The EU-funded TECHLOG project, aims to foster cooperation between research, development, education, and the real economy in Italy, Spain, Tunisia, Lebanon, and Egypt. To achieve this, TECHLOG encourages joint Technology Transfer Initiatives (TTI) to establish common quality standards for transport and port specialized staff. As part of this project, pilot actions will be implemented in real port operators to test advanced simulation technologies for port workers and operators.

Call for candidates: The Implementing Partners in Lebanon and Tunisia are inviting experts to apply and be included in the short-list for possible consulting contracts related to the pilot actions. The candidates will be selected based on their qualifications, skills, relevant knowledge, and expertise.

Description of tasks: The selected experts may be involved in pilot actions related to various topics, including safety, stress, and fatigue among truck drivers and quay craners, performance/productivity calibration for ship-to-shore crane operators in container transshipment terminals, and eco-driving training for commercial truck drivers.

Countries covered:

  • Lebanon
  • Tunisia