Green Skills Award 2025 – European Training Foundation

Opportunity type : Competitions
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The Green Skills Awards is an annual competition run by the European Training Foundation.

The goal is to provide ideas and inspiration for policy-makers and practitioners on how things can be done when it comes to green skills deployment and promoting sustainability.

What are we looking for? 

We are looking for stories from:

  • Enterprises, introducing green and clean technologies or production processes as well as developing the internal skills for their employees to apply them;
  • Training providers, equipping teachers and trainers with up-to-date knowledge on environmental issues and climate action to improve the relevance and quality of their teaching programmes
  • Industries and sectors, introducing training courses and standards developing green skills that are needed for their area of work;
  • Public institutions (education, labour, industry),  developing either environmental awareness programmes or technical green skills, in coordination with diverse public and non-public stakeholders;
  • Public employment services, matching jobs in sustainability with relevant training to ensure inclusion and awareness of the employment opportunities linked to the green economy;
  • Schools, implementing innovative measures and actions that prepare learners for the green economy.

Why should you apply?  

Successful finalists will receive the 2025 ETF Green Skills Award helping them to build new partnerships and extend their networks through recognition of their work.

The winners will be invited to attend an award ceremony where they will meet like-minded talents and help spread the ‘green’ voice;

The top stories will be  showcased in high-profile publications and online communications of the European Commission (DG Environment), European External Action Service, European Training Foundation and its international partners, maximising the awareness and positive impact of each initiative;

The ETF will produce short films of the successful finalists, helping to take their stories to new audiences around the world.


Countries covered:

  • Algeria
  • Egypt
  • Israel
  • Jordan
  • Lebanon
  • Libya
  • Morocco
  • Palestine *
  • Syria *
  • Tunisia