The third Online Euro-Med Debate Competition, will take place on 22, 23, 29 and 30 August 2020. It will bring together debate teams from diverse backgrounds and students from higher education institutions to meet online and debate international trending topics of their choice.
What is it about?
In the framework of the European Commission’s project Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange, and building up on the successful previous editions in August 2019 and April 2020, the third Online Euro-Med Debate Competition brings together debate teams from Europea and the Southern Mediterranean region. The Competition will be supported by a resource network of debate Team Leaders, Trainers, Adjudicators and Master Trainers. The competition’s dialectical debates will be framed around the current regional and international events such as: the pandemic and post-pandemic issues, online learning, regional security, climate change, human rights, democracy and more.
On 22, 23, 29 and 30 August 2020, participants in the competition will be engaged in intercultural online debates, and will practice the essentials of effective communication, building arguments, listening and rebutting, structuring and presenting of speeches, intercultural awareness, and will be able to enhance their English language skills. Rewards? All Team Leaders and Debaters will be awarded an Erasmus+ Virtual Exchange Online Badge, certifying the skills that they acquire by participating in the competition debates. Profile of participants: Participation in the third Online Euro-Med Debate Competition is open to Debate Team Leaders from the Euro-Med region and their local teams.
To participate with your team in the competition, you should fulfil the following criteria:
● Aged between 18-30 years old and national or resident in one of the eligible countries of the project
● Proven experience as a debater, debate team leader or debate trainer
● Interest in contemporary Euro-Mediterranean issues
● Good English speaking skills
● Ability to train and lead a local debate team
*In case you have already participated previously in the activity as Debater or Team Leader:
● Ability to train and engage a new team in the August 2020 Competition