Local Expert for the Professionalization of Social Work, Jordan

Opportunity type : Job Opportunities
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NI-CO is seeking to recruit a an enthusiastic, confident and self-motivated person to act as a local expert on Professionalisation of Social Work (PSW) to support implementation of the “Support to Social Protection in Jordan” EU project based in Amman. The role of the PSW local expert will be to support the NI-CO resident Component Lead in different aspects of daily work and in particular to provide professional and logistical support to the project. Key tasks and responsibilities include:

  • The local expert will be a member of the NI-CO team of experts and work with Short Term Experts (STEs) either remotely or otherwise to achieve agreed outcomes and ensure evidence-based decision making.
  • The local expert will co-ordinate/facilitate engagement of key stakeholders/work streams to identify issues, challenges and ideas for improvement for the consideration of the MoSD Technical Team.
  • Support the resident Component Lead and project in meeting the objectives of the project as they relate to the professionalisation of social work 
  • Support the Component lead in dissemination and sharing of information and papers with relevant stakeholders
  • Support the Component lead in co-ordinating project activities and making links between relevant work streams to ensure a cohesive, joined up approach to the professionalisation of social work in Jordan.
  • Provide local knowledge of social work education and practice in Jordan
  • Provide logistical support to training initiatives developed and provided as part of the project
  • Support the processes of curricula development within relevant universities
  • Provide an overview of documentation produced – training materials; guidance; policies and procedures etc. – derived from the project, providing a critical review of these to ensure they are fit for purpose in Jordan
  • Critically evaluate and support work undertaken as part of the PSW component.

Countries covered:

  • Jordan