Online Event: Comparing Regional Qualifications initiative around the globe

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The study Regional Qualifications Initiatives around the Globe 2020, was developed by ETF to map the latest developments of Regional Qualifications Frameworks (RQFs) and explore the feasibility of comparison with the EQF (European Qualifications Framework).

The study was undertaken in the framework of the work of the project group on Comparison of the EQF with other RQFs and NQFs (National Qualifications Frameworks). While there is a lot of literature on NQFs, the literature on RQFs is much more limited, and there was a need to get a better overview of the RQF initiatives in the world in order to understand the potential for comparison with the EQF.

The study showed that there are more RQF initiatives existing than were known before, but many of them are still in an early stage of development. RQFs share common features and challenges but are also unique in many ways. Much of the information on RQFs was obtained through interviews as only limited information is available online. The COVID crisis has changed the way RQFs were perceived and functioned.

Participants of this event will be from the RQF initiatives, the EQF AG (Advisory Group), European Commission DG EMPL, Cedefop and ETF, the World Reference Levels Group organized by Unesco and organisations supporting the development of qualifications.

The workshop is part of ETF’s work on the internationalization of qualification systems and will feed into its support for the maximalization of the currency of qualifications and international transparency.

The speakers will be:
Cesare Onestini, DIrector, ETF
Koen Nomden, European Commission, DG EMPL
Arjen Deij, Senior expert in qualifications, ETF
Eduarda Castel Branco, Senior expert in qualifications, ETF
Monika Auzinger, 3S

Date: May 19, 2021, 10:00 AM – 12:00 AM CET

Countries covered:

  • Algeria
  • Egypt
  • Israel
  • Jordan
  • Lebanon
  • Libya
  • Morocco
  • Palestine *
  • Syria *
  • Tunisia