The project aims to enhance energy security of beneficiary countries while fostering their transition to low carbon economies, thereby contributing to creating more stable, efficient, competitive and climate-resilient socioeconomic contexts.
Specific Objective 1– Contribute towards the increased deployment of renewable energy and energy efficiency measures in the building and appliances’ sectors in the Southern Neighbourhood region.
Specific Objective 2- Increase public awareness on energy’s major stakes and challenges, thereby fostering greater public and private sectors’ involvement towards more energy efficient buildings and appliances.
Concerted actions at national and regional levels to progressively harmonize strategies and policies on energy efficiency and appliances in the region, while strengthening regional cooperation;
Implement demonstrative actions on energy efficiency in buildings and efficient appliances’ market promotion at national and/or regional levels;
Provide training and capacity building as well as tailored tools and online platforms that support sound decision-making processes on energy efficiency;
Implement awareness raising actions on the clean energy transition;
The project works in close coordination with the Programme for Energy Efficiency in Buildings in the Mediterranean (PEEB-MED).