Regional Information and Communication

Project Duration
2004 - 2011
€10 million (MEDA) and €12 millions (ENPI)

Countries covered:

  • Algeria
  • Egypt
  • Israel
  • Jordan
  • Lebanon
  • Morocco
  • Palestine *
  • Syria *
  • Tunisia

Brief Description

Aims at increasing knowledge and raising awareness and understanding of the Euro-Med Partnership, mainly through working with the media and focusing on civil society and youth.
Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Occupied Palestinian Territory, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey (up to 2007)

What Does It Do



What do you want to do ?
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Actions in brief























  • Sets up the EuroMed Info Centre, the first dedicated information portal on EU relations and cooperation with Mediterranean Partner Countries (in English, French and Arabic).

  • Promotes information to a large public through 170 hours of TV programmes, 80 radio programmes on international radio stations, press supplements in Mediterranean country newspapers.

  • Creates a task force of about 400 influential international journalists within the “EuroMed and the Media” project.

  • Sets up the training programme “Europe For Mediterranean Journalists” :130 editors and journalists have participated in one or more seminars, 100 articles and 100 audiovisual subjects have been produced (

  • Launches a journalist training and networking project for the ENPI region

  • Organises “Crossing Glances” photo competition and exhibition in 10 countries.

  • Carries out opinion research in all Mediterranean countries on perceptions about Euro-Med cooperation.

  • Initiates a Middle East Music Award aiming to promote new talents in the Maghreb and Near East countries of the Mediterranean.








What do you want to do ?

New mail

Civil Society Culture Human Rights Media Migration Sustainable Development