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EU Neighbours South

EU Neighbours South presents through real stories the benefits the EU brings to people and businesses in the region in their everyday life, both in terms of the socio-economic situation but also in terms of values. Learn more about the results of European Union’s cooperation with the Southern Neighbourhood countries: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine , Syria and Tunisia.
EU Neighbours South
EU Neighbours South20 hours ago
On 4 February, young media talents gathered at Beirut Digital District 🇱🇧 to showcase their short films tackling gender stereotypes and disinformation. Through a partnership European Union in Lebanon 🇪🇺️ with Dawaer Foundation, 20 media students from across Lebanon received hands-on training in mobile journalism, sharpening their skills to analyse, detect, and counter harmful narratives.
Watch the highlights in this Reel, produced by Media Connectors Lea and Melissa.

في 4 فبراير، اجتمع مواهب إعلامية شابة في BDD لعرض أفلامهم القصيرة التي تتناول القوالب النمطية الجندرية والتضليل الإعلامي. من خلال شراكة @euinlebanonمع منظّمة دوائر ، تلقى 20 طالبًا إعلاميًا من مختلف أنحاء لبنان تدريبًا عمليًا في الصحافة المحمولة، مما عزز مهاراتهم في التحليل، والكشف، والتصدي للسرديات الضارة.
شاهدوا أبرز اللحظات في هذا الريل، من إنتاج #MediaConnectors ليا وميليسا.

#EU #Support #Opportunities #MediaConnect #Stereotypes #Disinformation #Training
EU Neighbours South
EU Neighbours South
EU Neighbours South1 day ago
Celebrating the achievements of our EU Jeel Connectors from Tunisia! 🇹🇳
Safouane Mechmech is among ICESCO’s top 101 young leaders and represented Tunisia at the “By Youth For Youth” Forum in Azerbaijan, engaging with peers from 43+ countries.
Nour Salah launched #Hackabook, a 2-day hackathon + readathon to make reading exciting again with book talks, coaching, and movie screenings.
Congrats to both for their inspiring impact!
Discover more #EUJeelConnect activities 👉 https://south.euneighbours.eu/news/?eu_jeel_connect_activity=true

Union européenne en Tunisie EU4Youth - Tunisia #EU4Youth #EU #Support
EU Neighbours South
EU Neighbours South2 days ago
Missed our webinar on Green Hydrogen? Watch it now!

If you couldn’t join us live, don’t worry! The "CONNECT. EMPOWER. CHANGE WITH GREEN HYDROGEN" webinar is now available on YouTube.

Hear from experts as they break down Green Hydrogen’s role in a sustainable Mediterranean energy future and explore its socio-economic benefits. Plus, get inspired by the winners of the Green Hydrogen Hackathon, Rayan Al Sarih from Lebanon and Bouchra Zoubaa from Morocco, as they share their journey in clean energy innovation!

🎥 Watch now on our YouTube playlist 👉 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaGaqba06xpgGZSFRMIeF_T8V7mp979Tk

#CleanEnergyDay #GreenHydrogen #EU4Youth #Sustainability #EUGreenDeal
Union européenne au Maroc European Union in Lebanon Med•Gem Network LCEC The Lebanese Center for Energy Conservation UNIDO - United Nations Industrial Development Organization
EU Neighbours South
EU Neighbours South2 days ago
Supporting dreams and paving the way for a brighter future!
The 🇪🇺️ EU’s HOPES-LEB 🇱🇧 initiative is transforming education for vulnerable Lebanese youth and refugees. Meet Shahed, a nursing student whose journey from high school to university was made possible by this vital support.
Discover her inspiring story!
HOPES-Madad European Union in Lebanon
دعم الأحلام وتمهيد الطريق لمستقبل أكثر إشراقًا!
مبادرة HOPES-LEB المموّلة من الاتحاد الأوروبي تُحدث تغييرًا في مجال التعليم للشباب اللبنانيين واللاجئين الأكثر ضعفًا. تعرّفوا على شهد، طالبة التمريض التي مكّنها هذا الدعم الحيوي من الانتقال من المدرسة الثانوية إلى الجامعة.
اكتشفوا قصتها الملهمة!
#EU #Support #Education
EU Neighbours South
EU Neighbours South
EU Neighbours South3 days ago
Innovation meets education in Jordan 🇯🇴!
The EU 🇪🇺️ is working hand in hand with Jordan to modernise vocational education, giving students the tools they need to thrive. From building cars to developing technical expertise, these initiatives are shaping a skilled workforce for a brighter future.
Watch the story!
#EU #Support #Education #EU4Youth
European Union in Jordan
الابتكار يلتقي بالتعليم في الأردن!
يعمل الاتحاد الأوروبي جنبًا إلى جنب مع الأردن لتحديث التعليم المهني، وتزويد الطلاب بالأدوات التي يحتاجونها للنجاح. من صناعة السيارات إلى تطوير المهارات التقنية، تساهم هذه المبادرات في تشكيل قوة عاملة ماهرة من أجل مستقبل أكثر إشراقًا.
شاهد القصة!
EU Neighbours South
EU Neighbours South
EU Neighbours South4 days ago
#Tenders, #grants, calls for proposals and #jobs from the European Neighbourhood 🇩🇿 🇪🇬 🇯🇴 🇱🇧 🇱🇾 🇲🇦 🇵🇸 🇹🇳 #EU4YOUth #EU4Jobs
Click on the link below to find out the latest 🇪🇺 #opportunities from the Southern Neighbourhood.
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