Clima-Med workshop for Palestinian cities highlights their commitment and resilience

June 3, 2024
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On May 25, a Clima-Med workshop dedicated to “Raising the capacities of Palestinian municipalities to plan and implement climate projects” took place in Amman. Despite the political pressures and challenges of their daily lives, twenty mayors and representatives of Palestinian municipalities, along with 19 online participants, including representatives of the Energy Authority and the Municipal Development and Lending Fund (MDLF), gathered to discuss the role of municipalities in coping with climate challenges, primarily using Clima-Med tools and help desk support.



The Clima-Med team presented the SEACAP Preparation Manual, specially tailored for local authorities and municipality representatives wishing to develop SEACAPs, the Climate Action Strategy (CAS) recommendations, and the Communication Guidelines in the SEACAPs, and the Climate Finance Guidebook, and demonstrated how developing SECAPs could enhance green finance opportunities, contribute to sustainable development, and attract investment.



In-depth sessions highlighted the cities’ strong interest in working on institutional, financial, and technical climate topics; they provided space for fruitful discussions around shaping liveable cities with a greener future.

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Countries covered:

  • Palestine *