Empowering Youth: EU Jeel Connectors Making Waves in Algeria

May 16, 2024
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In Oran and Annaba, Algeria, Samia and Raounak, EU Jeel Connectors, are dynamic forces, enriching their communities with initiatives that inspire and empower.

They recently moderated sessions at the European Film Festival, infusing the event with their energy and insights. But their impact extends beyond the festival.

Raounak led a workshop in Annaba titled “How to Have an Impactful Speech,” empowering young adults with essential public speaking skills for national and international platforms.

Samia organized an event in Oran introducing EU values and followed it with a slam poetry activity, encouraging free expression and empowering participants to speak their truth.

Their dedication embodies the spirit of the #EUJeelConnect initiative, inspiring youth leadership and cross-cultural understanding.

Countries covered:

  • Algeria