Empowering Youth through Technology and Creativity in Morocco

May 30, 2024
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Discover the inspiring initiatives of Soumia El Ouassouli and Rida Ben M’barek, two dynamic EU Jeel Connectors making a difference in Morocco!

Soumia El Ouassouli has embarked on a mission to bring technological education to the youth in rural areas of the Draa Tafilalt region through her initiative, DRAA TECH. In collaboration with various local associations, Soumia has organised a series of Robotics and Technological Entrepreneurship Camps. These camps are designed to equip young Moroccans with valuable skills in technology and entrepreneurship, directly addressing the educational needs of rural communities. By doing so, Soumia is opening new horizons for these young individuals, empowering them with the knowledge and tools to succeed in the modern world.

Rida Ben M’barek has created a unique platform for cultural exchange and professional growth through his Coffee Talk by Connector series, specifically an “Iftar talk” event in Agadir. This event focused on connecting the youth of Agadir with the European Union under the theme of the cultural and creative industry. Rida’s initiative provided a space for showcasing EU opportunities, fostering collaborations, and celebrating cultural diversity. Through engaging discussions and networking opportunities, young individuals were inspired to explore their creative potential and consider international pathways for both personal and professional development.

Both Soumia and Rida’s initiatives exemplify the core mission of the EU Jeel Connect initiative: to empower youth, promote cultural exchange, and create opportunities for growth and innovation.

Countries covered:

  • Morocco