Israel: EU calls for promotion of active NGO sector following passage of new law

July 13, 2016
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The EU considers that the new NGO law passed by the Israeli Knesset this week risks undermining democracy, freedom of speech and civil society in the country. “Israel enjoys a vibrant democracy, freedom of speech and a diverse civil society which are an integral part of the values which Israel and the EU both hold dear. This new legislation risks undermining these values”, said a statement issued on Tuesday 12 July.
The legislation is specifically targeted at non-profit organisations which receive more than 50% of their funding from foreign governments. “The reporting requirements imposed by the new law go beyond the legitimate need for transparency and seem aimed at constraining the activities of these civil society organisations working in Israel”, said the statement.
“We call upon Israel to continue to promote its active NGO sector and to refrain from actions which may complicate the space in which civil society organisations operate and which may curtail freedom of expression and association,” concluded the EU statement.(EU Neighbourhood Info)
Read more 
EU Neighbourhood Info Centre – Israel
EU Delegation to Israel – website

Countries covered:

  • Israel