Jeun’ess-EU4Youth present at a high level tripartite workshop/debate

July 11, 2024
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Jeun’ess-EU4Youth was proud to accompany the brilliant participation of Aicha Marzouki of the SMSA (agricultural service cooperative) Nasrallah and Mounir Khlifi of the Ladies First Association, two young women representing the Jeun’ESS project in the Tunisia – ILO High Level Tripartite Workshop/Debate on the occasion of the visit of Gilbert F. Houngbo, Director General of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) in Tunisia.


The high level tripartite panel, consisting of Gilbert F. Houngbo, Director General of the ILO, Kamel el Maddouri, Minister of Social Affairs, Noureddine Taboubi, Secretary General of the UGTT, Tunisia’s largest trade union, and Samir Majoul, President of UTICA, the national employers’ federation, exchanged views on the challenges and the keys to success of social justice in today’s world.


Two young beneficiaries of the JEUN’ESS project shared their experiences and attested to the programme’s positive impact on their lives. Their inspiring stories illustrated the potential of the SSE (social and solidarity economy) to offer tangible opportunities to young people and contribute to the development of their economic independence.


The Jeun’ESS project is committed to supporting young Tunisian men and women in a just transition and in sustainable development, particularly through the social solidarity economy. Together, we are building a better future for all.

Countries covered:

  • Tunisia