Jordan: Minister of Tourism briefed about EU-funded CROSSDEV project

August 27, 2020
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To revitalize domestic tourism after the Corona pandemic, her Excellency the Minister of Tourism and Antiquities Majd Shweikeh visited Umm Qais, north of Jordan, last month with the aim of opening the Umm Qais Archeology Museum, to explore the tourist activities in the region and meet with local communities.

As most of the attendees from the local community are stakeholders of the EU-funded CROSSDEV project, it was an opportunity for them to mention the project in their discussion, highlighting the benefits coming from linking the various tourism products of the region. Dr. Ismaiel Abuamoud presented the aims and objectives of the project to the Minister as well as plans on how to achieve the goals.

The objective of the CROSSDEV project is to contribute to the economic and social development in Mediterranean. It is co-funded by the European Union through the ENI CBC MED Programme. CROSSDEV strengthens and enhances sustainable tourism practices, emphasizing common heritage and resources. Specifically, the project intends to increase touristic competitiveness and attractiveness of less-known destinations and rural/depressed areas, adopting the Cultural Routes concept in selected areas of 4 countries: Italy, Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine.


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Press release

CROSSDEV project fiche

Countries covered:

  • Jordan