MEDREG Supporting the Development of the Lebanese Energy Regulator

July 4, 2024
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As Lebanon is going through the process of establishing its energy regulatory authority, the country needs to observe experience in the field of regulation along with the obstacles that were experienced during the development of other energy regulators.


It is in this context that the Lebanese Center for Energy Conservation (LCEC) visited the French Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) from the 2nd to the 4th of July in Paris to discuss their experience and gain an understanding of how they developed the regulatory strategies in France.


The study visit covered various topics, ranging from CRE’s missions and organisation to its governance and consumer protection practices, to the evolution of tariff-setting missions and methodologies, to budget and financeHuman Resourcesethics and compliance aspects.


The LCEC Delegation also visited the National System Operations Centre of the French Electricity Transmission Network (RTE).


The idea was to help the Lebanese case by studying the development of other markets and adjusting the European experience to meet the Lebanese circumstances.


This study visit took place in the framework of MEDREG’s continuous support to its members through the peer-to-peer sharing of experience and good practices, to reinforce the technical and regulatory capacity of its members as a leverage for the development of their regulations in the energy sector.

Countries covered:

  • Lebanon