RESET interviewed 19 EU-projects to extract knowledge and outputs to support new business creation

September 6, 2022
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What helps sustainable and green businesses succeed? This is the main question that RESET is trying to answer through the development of its main activities.

To do so, in the last couple of months our 5 partner countries conducted a series of interviews with both ongoing and implemented EU-funded projects focused on green business development to extract key learnings and meaningful outputs that will be replicated them in other contexts.

The forms of the extracted existing knowledge from the 19 key EU-projects include best practices, handbooks, training programs, policy papers, databases, online platforms and networking services.

With this knowledge, the main goal is to reinforce new projects specialized in support services to start-ups, to better inform public bodies, and ultimately, to support more entrepreneurs and direct more investments.

RESET aims to facilitate economic and social development via supporting the creation of sustainable and green businesses.

For more information

Countries covered:

  • Lebanon
  • Palestine *
  • Tunisia