Strengthening civil society in the southern Mediterranean: EU project to launch online training lab for trainers of trainers

October 28, 2016
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The EU-funded project Civil Society Facility South (CSF South) will organise a Policy Online Training Lab for Trainers of Trainers (TOTs) for Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) from the Southern Mediterranean Region. The three stages Online Lab project is designed to enhance the institutional and policy dialogue capacities of partner CSOs in 10 countries of the Southern Mediterranean.
The Online Project is composed of these two main courses:
  • Organizational Development for CSOs (Course I:  16 November 2016- 13 January 2017)
  • Skills for Policy Dialogue for CSOs (Course II: 17 January- 30 March 2017)
The TOTs are expected to use gained skills and knowledge to:
  •  Contribute to their CSOs via offering sustained and creative training and coaching support. 
  •  Be trained as Trainers of Trainers to co-ordinate programme activities and build on knowledge and skills to reach further steps.
  •  Be able to advocate their local governments and international institutions for supporting democratic processes and strengthening the role of CSOs.
  •  Acquire tools (networking, advocacy, and communications) to continue their work, even after the conclusion of the CSFS in November 2017.
This is in view of establishing and promoting the first regional network of TOTs who are trained to further support CSOs within their countries to advance the national and regional policy dialogue agenda.
The Civil Society Facility South (CSF South) is an EU-funded regional programme launched in December 2012 with the aim of enhancing the effectiveness of EU cooperation with its Southern Mediterranean partners. It mainly aims at increasing the involvement of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and other non-state actors (NSAs) in sector policy dialogues at the level of partner countries by combining both national specificities and regional dynamics. (EU Neighbourhood Info)
Read more
Civil Society Facility South – website
EU Neighbourhood Info Centre thematic page – Civil society and local authorities