Online workshop on energy demand and energy efficiency modelling practices, meetMED project

Opportunity type : Events
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Modeling energy demand, energy efficiency, and renewable energy is an important tool for decision-makers to assist in policies designing and implementation.

Practices are in place in the beneficiary countries of the meetMED project through national and regional modelling initiatives such as OME, the Observatoire Méditerranéen de l’Energie (Mediterranean Energy Observatory). Alongside the academic work, energy modeling is performed in project’s affiliated energy agencies or within the ministries by utilizing various models and energy efficiency scenarios.

The aim of this workshop is to continue the dialogue among meetMED practitioners about how to build an Energy Efficiency Scenario including presenting national perspectives, stakeholders, modelling tools and results. In addition to addressing the main issues from different energy demand scenarios in South Mediterranean countries over the period 2025-2050.

This workshop is the second of its kind organized by MeetMED, after a first one in October 2022 in which insights were provided on the models used for demand projection (econometric, bottom-up, hybrid), pros and cons, data collection organization, model inputs, and the integration with energy supply and macro sectorial models.

Since in general these modelling activities are developed jointly with relevant ministries, this workshop is opened at the discretion of the meetMED national experts to their relevant ministries, academics, and data providers.

Participating countries: Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia. Other relevant stakeholders (ministries, academics etc.) can also participate

Countries covered:

  • Algeria
  • Egypt
  • Jordan
  • Lebanon
  • Morocco
  • Palestine *
  • Tunisia