European Union support to local authorities in Libya – Local development, pathway for the future

March 20, 2020
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Since local public service delivery and economic development have suffered from ongoing national divisions in Libya, the European Union is financing projects that build the capacity of local authorities, deliver key local infrastructure and support local economic development.

The European Union considers that local authorities have a key role to play in tackling pressing development challenges of their regions.

Local elected representatives translate local concerns to national authorities and contribute to identifying key priorities for local development. Municipalities play a key role in local service delivery – and their role is foreseen to increase in the future.

Finally, public and private stakeholders can be mobilised at local level to help reinvigorate local economies that have suffered due to the conflict.

Therefore, EU-funded projects work with all local stakeholders to build their capacity and help address critical needs of Libya’s regions. In particular, EU support focuses on 3 main areas:

  1. Promoting institutional development of local authorities
  2. Supporting local economic development
  3. Improving local service delivery
European Union support to local authorities in Libya
Human Rights