Discover the Efforts of Two EU Jeel Connectors from Libya: Nihal and Fatima!

June 20, 2024
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The initiatives of Nihal Asghayyu and Fatima Alzahraa highlight the vibrant and impactful contributions of Libyan youth to their communities and beyond.

Nihal Asghayyu organised an inspiring event themed “Impact the Future” in celebration of International Women’s Day. The event focused on women’s achievements and contributions to technology and society, aiming to inspire and empower women by showcasing their critical roles in shaping the future.

Fatima Alzahraa, on the other hand, hosted her first “Coffee Talk by Connector” in the form of an Iftar gathering. This event brought together 27 engaged youth with representatives from the EU Delegation in Libya, providing a platform for meaningful dialogue about the various opportunities the EU offers in Libya.

Countries covered:

  • Libya