The EU helps Algeria adapt to climate change

October 23, 2018
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The Climate National Plan (PNC) and the vulnerability of the coast of Algiers to climate change were presented yesterday in a seminar in Algiers, Algeria. The PNC is the key element of Algeria’s strategic approach to counter the effects of climate change. It presents a set of actions which will contribute to adapt to the impact of climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

In line with the actions recommended in this plan, a pilot study has been initiated by the Support Programme to the Sectoral Environmental Policy (PAPSE) for Algiers’ coast which is subject to natural factors and exposed to climate-related risks. In the framework of this EU-supported programme, the ministry of environment and renewable energies has been trained on methodology. Vulnerability maps of the coastal zone of Algiers between Bou Ismail and Zemmouri have been developed to suggest responses in terms of adaptation to climate change.


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EU Delegation to Algeria

Countries covered:

  • Algeria