Forum with Southern Neighbourhood statistical offices – steering MEDSTAT V forward

August 30, 2023
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The 11th Forum of Euro-Mediterranean Statisticians organised by Eurostat took place on 5 and 6 July 2023 in Rome.


Eurostat management, heads of statistical offices from the Southern Neighbourhood partner countries, representatives of statistical offices from the EU members states and EFTA statistical office met to discuss the EU-Mediterranean cooperation in statistics. The vehicle of this cooperation is the regional programme MEDSTAT V, funded by DG NEAR and managed by Eurostat.

Participants of the Forum agreed to continue good work with focused activities and tangible outputs within limited financial resources in MEDSTAT V. Lead coordinators of MEDSTAT working groups in programme’s 11 sectors presented their key achievements. Knowledge sharing and proactivity in between programme’s activities were mentioned as key success enablers. Eurostat emphasised the importance of making use of other existing instruments, e.g. EU’s TAIEX and Twinning, as additional support to MEDSTAT V. Participants agreed that the continuous provision of data to Eurostat is crucial. With the support of MEDSTAT V and other EU-funded bilateral projects, Eurostat hopes the rate of relevant and quality data submitted will further increase.


Second day of the Forum was devoted to exchanges on statistical cooperation as well as on innovations and digitalisation in statistics, both within EU and in the partner countries. Machine learning, AI, trusted smart statistics, data stewardship and data lakes were discussed.

Countries covered:

  • Algeria
  • Egypt
  • Israel
  • Jordan
  • Lebanon
  • Libya
  • Morocco
  • Palestine *
  • Syria *
  • Tunisia