North Africa : EU launches programme to promote fair labour migration

December 3, 2020
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The programme “for a global approach of migration governance and labour mobility in North Africa (THAMM) was officially launched on 2 Decembre in Tunis, Tunisia.

The programme, co-funded by the European Union and the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development, is designed as a sub-regional programme implemented in Tunisia, Morocco and Egypt. It aims at favouring, for the North African countries, safe, orderly, regular and mutually beneficial labour migration and mobility opportunities through the implementation of mobility schemes with some European countries.

The programme will rely on existing international standards and frameworks to promote fair labour migration as well as ethical and equitable recruitment systems.

This high-quality official launching workshop gave the opportunity to offer a national visibility to the programme and reinforce synergies between different actors involved on the issue of labour migration and mobility from and to Tunisia. The workshop represents a step towards the reinforcement of labour migration and mobility governance in Tunisia.


Read more

Press release

EU Delegation to Tunisia – website and Facebook page

Countries covered:

  • Egypt
  • Morocco
  • Tunisia