Pilot project in Tunisia to demonstrate the potential for eco-innovative technologies in the aquaculture sector

October 10, 2022
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On 27 September, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) launched a pilot project in Monastir, Tunisia, for members of the aquaculture industry. Until the end of 2023, the pilot project will demonstrate the use of eco-innovative technologies under conditions applicable to Tunisia’s aquaculture sector.

The pilot project in Tunisia’s aquaculture sector will evaluate the applicability, effectiveness, and potential of combining technologies at an industrial scale under actual production conditions, in different maritime and weather conditions, also taking into account the development stages and growth periods of the fish.

Additionally, field-training modules will be offered to staff from 25 aquaculture facilities, which will help to develop their skill-set in the demonstrated technologies, learning operations and maintenance at the demonstration hub.

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Countries covered:

  • Tunisia