SwitchMed II 2020-2023: Fostering Green Businesses in Morocco’s Circular Economy

June 7, 2023
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The SwitchMed II event held in Morocco brought together stakeholders, experts, and entrepreneurs dedicated to fostering the growth of green businesses. This initiative was a remarkable showcase of the Green Business Support Program and its impact on the circular economy within the entrepreneurial ecosystem.


Throughout the event, committed partners and inspiring speakers came together to share their expertise and experiences, igniting discussions and stimulating the development of sustainable entrepreneurship in Morocco.


The SWITCMED II 2020-2023 event culminated in a memorable awards ceremony, recognizing and honouring the top three Switchers. These exceptional individuals or teams were awarded for their outstanding contributions to innovative green projects. Their remarkable achievements serve as inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs in the green sector, highlighting the transformative power of sustainable and environmentally conscious business ideas.


SwitchMed II 2020-2023 showcased the power of collaboration and knowledge sharing in advancing sustainable entrepreneurship. As Morocco embraces the circular economy and builds a greener future, events like these serve as important platforms to inspire, connect, and propel the growth of green businesses in the country.

For more information

Countries covered:

  • Morocco