The European Union joins forces with the Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority, UNDP, UNEP and SwitchMed for Blue Economy symposium in Aqaba

May 29, 2024
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The Blue Economy Forum was held in the city of Aqaba on May 27 and 28, 2024, with the support and participation of the United Nations Environment Programme, the United Nations Development Programme in Jordan, the European Commission, and in partnership with the Aqaba Special Economic Zone Authority to discuss the current situation of the blue economy and enable the main partners in Jordan to agree on a common understanding and definition of the blue economy and identifying ways in which sustainable development can be achieved.


This symopsium, which includes speakers from several countries, constitutes a fertile ground for discussing future plans. With rich dialogue sessions, more than 100 people participated in the conference, representing all stakeholders related to the blue economy in Aqaba from inside and outside the Authority, in addition to representatives from international bodies, the private sector, and supporting bodies.*


The head of the Aqaba Region Authority, Nayef Hamidi Al-Fayez, said during the opening of the symopsium: “We are happy in the Aqaba region to host this first consultative meeting that addresses the topic of the blue economy, whose goals and philosophy are in line with the vision of economic modernization that focuses on green growth in Jordan.” Al-Fayez added, “This symposium represents an important opportunity to exchange views and learn about the successful experiences of some participating countries, which will be discussed.”


This symposium is the first of its kind, as it focused during its sessions over two consecutive days to discuss several topics on global and regional trends in the blue economy, the design of the national blue economy policy in Jordan, research and innovation, and empowerment of the blue value chain, in addition to designing the blue future of Aqaba in terms of the projects of the Aqaba Economic Zone Authority.


Mr. Luc Reuter from the United Nations Environment Program pointed out that “the United Nations Environment Program supports this important forum within the framework of the SwitchMed program funded by the European Union, which focuses on promoting a more circular economy and more sustainable consumption and production patterns,” expressing his great pleasure in the partnership with the Aqaba Region Authority, the European Union delegation and the United Nations Development Programme in Jordan.


Mr. Thibaut MOYER from the EU Delegation to Jordan stressed that “the European Union has a strong strategic partnership with Jordan, including the areas of environment and climate change, and they also share the leadership of the Union for the Mediterranean, with the blue economy  at the heart of this partnership.” He added “It’s up to all of us to guide future generations towards the sustainable opportunities of the green and blue economy.”

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Countries covered:

  • Jordan