Tunisia: EU extends freeze on the assets of 48 persons for another year

January 30, 2017
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The Council of the European Union extended until 31 January 2018 a freeze on the assets of 48 persons deemed to be responsible for the misappropriation of state funds in Tunisia and those persons and entities associated with them.

The sanctions were initially introduced on 31 January 2011, targeting former president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, his wife and 46 other persons. The Council considered that the misappropriation of state funds is depriving the Tunisian people of the benefits of the sustainable development of their economy and society and undermining the development of democracy in the country. Those restrictive asset-freezing measures have been renewed every year since 2011.

Read more

Press release

2011 decision in the EU Official Journal

Q&A: Supporting Tunisia’s transition: a strategic priority for the EU

Relations between the EU and Tunisia – Factsheet

EU cooperation with Tunisia

EU Delegation to Tunisia – website and Facebook page

Countries covered:

  • Tunisia
Human Rights