Moussa Kabbouchi
I am Moussa, a committed professional with a strong focus on community development and enhancing community welfare. My journey began in 2019 with a local NGO, where I served as a Project Officer before progressing to roles as Coordinator, Manager, and now Head of Community & Environmental Development. Over the years, I’ve spearheaded numerous successful community programs spanning 24+ municipalities in Bekaa, Lebanon, positively impacting over 10,000 individuals.


I have established Environmental clubs and groups, where I’ve educated and empowered members to advocate for and execute environmental projects. Through collaborations with local and international NGOs, I’ve honed my expertise in community engagement, environmental initiatives, and sustainability – driving tangible change aligned with the SDGs.


I also served as a Mentor & Trainer with Mercy Corps, guiding mentees and delivering Soft Skills trainings. My role as an SDGs facilitator for local NGOs has allowed me to contribute significantly to SDG attainment and sustainability efforts across more than five organizations.


With a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and certifications in nursing assistance and project management, I bring to the table a blend of strong organizational, leadership, and communication skills. I remain dedicated to fostering a brighter future for youth and communities.

If you love life, don’t waste time, for time is what life is made up of
Culture Youth