Opinion Poll 2022 – Palestine (factsheet)

May 12, 2023
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Fact Sheet Palestine

A low self-stated knowledge about the EU not reflected in the answers to the factual questions, which are close to average.

The EU image has eroded in 2022, with however half respondents holding a positive one. The institution is appreciated for its support to the Palestinian authorities but denounced for its close relation with Israel.

28% of Palestinian respondents believe they know what the EU is all about, which represents an increase of + 6 ppt since the survey conducted in 2021.

72% Palestinian respondents say that they do not know about the EU, – 4 ppt from 2021.

The relatively low level of subjective knowledge is somewhat contradicted by the factual questions where 91% respondents answered at least 1 question correctly, with an average of 2.7 correct answers out of a possible six.

The proportion of Palestinian respondents who have a positive image of the EU has decreased by – 5 ppt since 2021, reaching 53%. The ones expressing a negative sentiment has increased by +7 ppt to 21%.

The proportion describing themselves as neutral has increased from 16% to 31%.

The main reason mentioned by 51% of those who felt the EU had a positive image was related to the EU’s support to Palestinian authorities. This is followed by 17% who mention that it is an important trade partner for Palestine.

Of those who believe that the EU has a negative image, 3 in 10 mention the EU’s close relationship with Israel (30%) or that the EU does not do enough to support Palestinian people (29%). EU support to governments which support Israel is mentioned by 24%.

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Opinion Poll Palestine 2022 (Summary of findings)
Opinion Poll Palestine 2022 (Full report)

Opinion Poll Palestine 2022 (Factsheet)