The Business Country Desk (BCD) is an initiative designed by BUSINESSMED and implemented in the framework of the EU co-funded project EBSOMED project, in order to provide a range of services to Euro Mediterranean business entities, namely:
Thus, the Business Country Desk represents not only a real catalyst for the commitment of all partners at local, national and regional levels, but also a privileged space for the promotion of talent, internationalisation and the private sector in the Mediterranean region, pinpointing innovation and the sectoral approach as key priorities for the coming years.
In order to promote the Business Country Desk platform among its end users in Libya, BUSINESSMED, the Euro-Libyan Trade Center (ELTC) and the Libyan General Union of Chambers of Commerce (GUCC) are jointly hosting a webinar to promote the BCD country Desk platform in Libya, on May 2, 2023. The webinar is dedicated to the key actors shaping the business community in Libya mainly: SMEs, companies, start-ups, etc.