Clima-Med workshop enhances climate project planning and implementation in Lebanon

May 13, 2024
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EU-funded Clima-Med project organised a workshop to present its latest reports and manuals to strengthen municipalities’ capacities to prepare and implement climate projects in Lebanon.



Beyond the ten beneficiary municipalities and Unions of municipalities that have successfully prepared their Sustainable Energy Access and Climate Action Plans (SEACAPs) with Clima-Med, an impressive participation of more than 40 new municipalities, Unions of municipalities, and nature reserves and forests representatives joined the workshop; all eager to take action and requesting comprehensive technical guidance in preparing and formulating climate action plans and bankable projects.



The Clima-Med project has prepared the Climate Finance Guidebook, which comprises recommendations at national, local, and international finance levels, a Climate Finance annexe for Lebanon, the SEACAP Preparation Manual, and the Communication step-by-step guidelines. All these tools, presented during the workshop, are made available for local authorities to use in preparing their climate action plans and pave the way for effective project funding and implementation. The workshop addressed the Covenant of Mayors, CoM Med initiative in the region, which was established by Clima-Med, encouraging mobilisation around it as part of the Global Covenant of Mayors network.



Mayors from three municipalities stressed the importance and benefits of adhering to CoM Med and preparing a SEACAP. They shared the achievements made through their collaboration with the Clima-Med project and explained how the experience has provided a clear roadmap for addressing climate change, thus setting the path toward sustaining these results and replicating the success.

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Countries covered:

  • Lebanon