CROSSDEV: sub-grant applications open for tourism operators in Aqaba, Jordan

September 21, 2021
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The Royal Marine Conservation Society of Jordan (JREDS) – partner of the CROSSDEV project – launches the 2nd call of sub-grants to support economic actors and tourism-related service providers along the less known cultural sites in Aqaba, Jordan.

This sub-grant is available to support MSMEs, tour operators, protected areas/touristic sites managers, women centers, and local communities.

All grants requested under this application call must fall between the following minimum and maximum amounts:
•    minimum amount: 3,850 JOD (around 4.500 Euros)
•    maximum amount: 5,700 JOD (around 6.800 Euros)

Deadline for receiving applications is 21 October 2021.

CROSSDEV strengthens and enhances sustainable tourism practices, emphasizing common heritage and resources. Specifically, the project intends to increase touristic competitiveness and attractiveness of less-known destinations and rural/depressed areas, adopting the Cultural Routes concept in selected areas of 4 countries: Italy, Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine.

Fore more information

Press release

CROSSDEV project

Countries covered:

  • Jordan