The Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Olivér Várhelyi met, in Cairo on 25 October 2021, with the leadership of the MedAlliance.
During the meeting, the role of the MedAlliance in bridging the Mediterranean and its revival plan were presented along with its EU EBSOMED project and the important 16 ENI CBC MED projects aiming at bridging the Mediterranean, creating jobs, transferring technologies and novel management practices, and supporting SMEs, start-ups and innovations.
It was stressing upon the importance of expanding the ENI CBC Med Programme and supporting Trilateral cooperation between EU and Mediterranean companies aiming at Africa with an EBSOMED like instruments augmented by guarantees and soft loans.
Commissioner Várhelyi highlighted that the European Union will work with the European Investment Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development to support Mediterranean efforts to combat climate change, protect the environment, ensure sustainable food systems, and support small and medium enterprises, he added that the EU has allocated € 7 billion for the Southern Neighbourhood for the next six years.
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