The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is supporting the establishment of a new Sector Skills Council (SSC) in Egypt, a multi-stakeholder platform aiming at fostering more resilient and inclusive human capital in the hospitality and tourism sector.
This new public-private partnership and policy dialogue platform will develop skills-gap analyses, skills development strategies, qualification frameworks and occupational skills standards. It will also provide market-relevant training to the hospitality and tourism sector, thus helping to develop a skilled labour market and opening up greater access to employment for those working in the tourism-related industries. The tourism sector is a fundamental contributor to the country’s economic growth.
The partners will develop a clear mandate and operational plan for the SSC, along with a list of the 20 most pertinent occupational standards for the tourism sector. Capacity-building support will be provided to SSC partners in government, enterprise and training provision.
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