Energy efficiency for sustainable cities in Morocco: Chefchaouen to hold several events on the occasion of MedCOP Climate

July 15, 2016
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On the sidelines of the MedCOP Climate which will take place on 18 and 19 July 2016 in Tangier, the municipality of Chefchaouen in Morocco is organising a series of events, debates, discussions and guided tours around the solutions and the results of actions implemented to achieve energy transition in Chefchaouen under the EU-funded SUDEP South programme– Sustainable Urban Demonstration Energy Projects.

As of 15 July, a field visit and activities will be taking place, including: the inauguration of an Energy Information Centre, a visit to the site of the Mediterranean Diet Museum, a visit to the eco-center and exchanges with users of electric bikes, acquired as part of the project as well as a meeting with the members of the Environment-Climate and Energy Participatory Council of Chefchaouen.
On 18 July, a meeting with representatives of the Moroccan Association of Eco-cities (AMEV) member municipalities will be held in Tangier on the sidelines of the MedCOP Climate, where SUDEP South will be presented.
Finally, on 20 July, the town of Chefchaouen will open its door to the MedCOP Climate participants for a city tour on the theme of ecological transition to be guided by its implementers including local officials, technical services, civil society organisations as well as the local population. (EU Neighbourhood Info)
Read more
Sustainable Urban Demonstration Energy Projects – fiche and news
EU Neighbourhood Info Centre – Morocco 
EU Delegation to Morocco – website and Facebook page


Countries covered:

  • Morocco