Entrepreneurship Training Scholarship Program (ETSP) – Open

May 24, 2023
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EDU-SYRIA, funded by the EU through the regional trust fund “Madad” in response to the Syrian crisis and managed by the German Jordanian University, announces the call for Syrian refugee and underprivileged Jordanian applications to apply for the Entrepreneurship Training Scholarship Program (ETSP) at Luminus Jordan Start.


The Entrepreneurship Training Scholarship Program implemented by Luminus Jordan Start aims to provide proper entrepreneurial training and office space for 40 groups formed of Jordanian and Syrian youths to transform their progressive ideas into actual projects that can best serve their local communities.


The Entrepreneurship Training Scholarship Program targets entrepreneurs with promising ideas in manufacturing, textiles, handicrafts, and service-based hardware with other related services, which will take place through the Business Accelerator at Luminus Jordan Start, that enables them to confidently enter and navigate the business world, with access to FabLab Irbid – a state-of-the-art manufacturing space – the first of its kind in Jordan and one of the 20 largest digital fabrication laboratories in the world.

For more information

Countries covered:

  • Jordan
  • Syria *