With a total budget of over €4.5 billion, the programme funded nearly 32,000 projects involving over 84,500 organisations, a strong increase on 2022. These figures were released as part of the 2023 Erasmus+ Annual Report. The report showcases the programme’s achievements in supporting lifelong learning and cooperation. The 2023 gain in support came thanks to a 12.5% budget increase on 2022. In that year, Erasmus+ was able to fund 26,000 projects and some 73,000 organisations.
More diverse: Support prioritised inclusion and diversity. Over 200,000 participants were people of fewer opportunities, including migrants, people with disabilities, people living in remote areas, or people facing socioeconomic difficulties.
Greener: In 2023, 23% of participants in Erasmus+ learning mobility activities used low-emission transport for the main part of their travel, such as bus, train or car-pooling.
Digital: More than 30,000 participants went on exchanges and followed training activities to acquire digital skills. This came as part of the Digital Education Action Plan for the EU.