Algeria and Libya are two neighbouring countries with similarities and complementarities, the first one with a population of 40 million people, and the second one of 7 million. In both countries, the European Training Foundation has brought its contribution to supporting the development of skills throughout the years.
In Algeria the cooperation with the ETF has consolidated and has constantly grown in the last fifteen years and it is “currently gaining momentum”, according to Floriana Folisi, Human Capital Development Expert and Country Liaison for Algeria.
In Libya cooperation has been suspended since 2014 due to civil unrest and security concerns. However, Prof. Mokhtar Jwaili, Chief Advisor at the Ministry of Technical and Vocational Education of Libya, asserts that “although the relationship with the ETF has been somewhat delayed from our side, there are continuous efforts to rejoin cooperation with the ETF, that we hope to resume in 2024-5”.